How Brands Are Using Video Streaming Strategy for Successful Marketing

Marketers aren’t surprised by the importance of a video marketing strategy. By now, we all understood that it’s easier for people to watch a video than to read content with instructions and other details. Plus, videos are more personal, so they help brands to improve their bond with the audience.

But with all those available promotional techniques, many marketers miss an important factor in their campaigns: live streaming.

All statistics and predictions tell you the same thing: the live streaming market is expected to grow exponentially over the next few years. Many brands have been relying on Instagram, YouTube, and sites like 123movies to share live content with their audience. When done properly, this strategy helps them to reach a new audience, bond with the followers they already have, and promote new products.

How do brands use video streaming for successful promotion?

Webinars for Showcasing Expertise

Webinars are an excellent way for a brand to connect with its audience. These are interactive events, which enable the followers to ask any questions and comment on the host’s explanations. Brands use them to explain different concepts related to their industry, promote their values, and help their users enhance their lifestyle through the use of their products or services.

The greatest value of webinars is their ability to showcase one’s expertise. The viewers get an opportunity to learn by someone who knows a lot on a topic of their interest.

Product Introduction

With live streaming, a marketer can turn product announcements into special events. Apple is a great example of a brand that successfully implements such a strategy. It announces the events through press releases, and it invites everyone to join the live streaming through the official website and YouTube.

Pre-recorded announcements don’t seem authentic. The audience can see that you follow a script, and you created a campaign with no personal touch. Whenever there’s an important announcement to make or a product to introduce, a live streaming event is the best option. 

Influencer-Hosted Live Streaming

This is an especially popular strategy for Instagram marketing. Brands collaborate with influencers, who stream live videos opening packages or explaining how a particular product is used. Then, they answer questions and bond with their followers.

The brand benefits by attracting a huge pool of viewers from the influencer’s account. They know that the content is sponsored, but they are more inclined to believe a message when it involves a direct product demonstration.

In 2016, Kohl’s attracted a lot of attention by promoting its Black Friday promos with influencers through Facebook Live streaming. 

Live Interviews

An interview seems much more natural when it’s streamed live. The viewers see unedited, raw content that may have some flaws, but enables them to see true personalities. A brand can raise awareness about its product or services by interviewing managers, influencers, employees, or industry experts.

The best part is that you don’t need advanced equipment to film these types of videos. All you need is a studio, camera, microphone, and Internet connection. You can also guide an interview through a video conferencing tool, so you might not need the studio at all.

Live Online Classes

Omstars and other online fitness/yoga services often use this strategy. Their users can watch pre-recorded videos, which they choose depending on their needs. However, sometimes they need the raw feeling and natural flow of a live class, so they prefer to tune into a live online class. Through live streaming, these brands broadcast classes from their studios, and people from all around the world can bond with a teacher.

Brands from other niches can also rely on this method. Whenever you want to provide educational content for your audience, do it through a live streaming event.

Countless Options for Successful Promotion

You can use different live streaming platforms for your events: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Periscope, YouTube, and more. Just think where your audience is, and use that platform to stream the event. If you involve multiple platforms, you’ll expand your reach.

The most important rule for successful video streaming is: keep it natural. Involve your audience as much as possible, and connect with them without trying to make things perfect. 

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