Instagram Analytics – 5 Essential Metrics You Need to Understand

Analyzing your Instagram efforts is not necessarily an easy task. While for many marketers Instagram insights are ready to gain and read, for others these metrics can be really troublesome.

How to read numbers in Instagram reports and which ones should draw your attention in particular? Let’s find out.

Instagram Analytics


Engagement rate shows you how willing are people to engage with your content. Instagram analytics show you how many people liked, commented, and have seen your content. Based on those results, you can make more data-driven business decisions.

Many Instagram analytics tools such as NapoleonCat can help you not only to get data out of Instagram, but also to analyze them in the right and transparent way. This is crucial, especially for those who have never analyzed any statistics from Instagram before.


Reach can show you how many people from your target group get messages about your brand.

You should always look at the ratio between engagement and reach to find out whether in some situations this ratio is really low, while for other posts it basically skyrockets.

There is no universal answer to this, so you should check out all possible options and try optimizing your activities.

Number of followers

Your follower growth can be one of the vanity metrics if it is the only one you take a look at.

However, this set of statistics can help you recognize if your profile is slowly growing if you had some suspicious peaks of new followers coming to your profile, or quite the contrary – people started unfollowing you.

This helps you evaluate your strategy and find out some potential bottlenecks that may cost you losing followers and authority.

So, while you should not look at these metrics exclusively, you should not underestimate them either.

Instagram Story Insights

If you run Instagram Stories for your brand on an Instagram Business Profile, you have full access to many interesting statistics that can indicate whether you are doing a great job with Instagram Stories, or not necessarily.

Instagram story analytics can show you how many people watched your story, exited it or clicked through to your Instagram profile.

If you have a “swipe up” feature enabled, you can also see how many people got redirected to your selected website. If you test out a lot of content on Instagram Stories, you should check how it performs and make some conclusions.

If you haven’t tested Instagram Stories yet, it is high time for you to give it a go and check out how they are going to perform for your brand.

Audience insights

It does not only matter what you communicate, it is also important to know who you communicate your content to.

It is better to have a smaller reach but in a narrow target group than have millions of reach among people who do not even understand your language and therefore may not be able to interact with your brand.

Keep an eye on your audience demographics and try to make some conclusions for better and more personalized communication. Instagram analytics therefore deliver data that you can use for targeting ads with paid promotion.

It is really important to build a community made up of your target group, not a random audience or bots, which are becoming increasingly more popular on Instagram.

Of course, there are more metrics you may want to start analyzing. For example, if you are interested in hashtag analytics then you can recognize which hashtags drive some traffic to your profile while others do not convert at all.

We have only mentioned a few statistics, but you have quite a few numbers to analyze on Instagram. Enjoy, have fun!

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